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Upcoming Assemblies in 2024 & 2025

December 7th and 8th 2024 | Online, Zoom – Information to follow latest 2 weeks before the assembly

March 1st and 2nd 2025 | Prague, Czech Republic

June 7th and 8th 2025 | Online, Zoom

September 6th and 7th 2025 | Face-2-Face, Location TBD

What is Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.

Get help now

If you want to drink, that’s your business.

If you want to stop, that’s ours.

Find a meeting

Regular in person/hybrid/temporarily online AA meetings can be found here. Browse by day or region. 

For professionals

Professionals who work with alcoholics share a common purpose with AA: to help the alcoholic stop drinking and lead a healthy life.

Please keep your meetings updated

As many meetings go back from online to in-person, please make sure your meetings are up to date and let us know if there is any change.
To do so go to the meeting and select “Request a change to this listing” in order to update.

Get involved

I am Responsible….

When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, I want the hand of AA always to be there. And for that: I am responsible.

Next Event

CER Needs you!

Hi, my name is Ronald and I am an alcoholic. I am writing to you to raise more interest in doing service at Region.


When I got to the rooms, they told me to keep coming back, read the literature, get a sponsor and be active in service. Sure, I thought, although I didn’t think so much. I was focusing on staying physically sober. One day at a time. One meeting at a time. That part I understood. I needed the meetings. I needed to listen and learn from the other people in the group. They impressed me. Some even scared me. One guy was very persisting in reminding me to get a sponsor.

But I never thought about who bought the coffee, who paied the rent for the room we met in, who received all the information about the upcoming convention, how we knew there was another group in a town close by. I just took it for granted. I used the program as a real alcoholic. It was all about me.


This changed. Fortunately. First my egocentric focus was widened when I started to work the program with my sponsor. After the first steps, I was introduced to the 12 Traditions. And I noticed there was something called ‘Business Meeting’, where Service positions were being discussed. But still, my contribution was limited. I made coffee (still don’t ‘know who bought it) and chaired some meetings.


Only after a few years, our GSR (I didn’t even know he was the GSR) asked me if I could take over since he was moving. I remembered that we never say no to a direct question to do service. So a few weeks later I Joined the Nordic Intergroup as GSR for my group. This opened up a new universe to me. I started to learn about the service structure of English-speaking AA in Europe and my Intergroup’s contribution to this. 


Fast forward, I started to joint the Regional Assembly meetings, became Region Rep, later Delegate to Conference, Vice-chair and a temporary secretary and now I serve as Chair for Region. My service work has provided me very pragmatic opportunities to apply the program to real issues, to combine my capabilities with the principles of the program in real situations and to learn to rely on them in a safe and developing environment.


Thanks to this great program of AA, I have a life, a family, friends and a way to face all the elements of my future. I do not have to run from my responsibilities, I don’t have to drown my fears, I don’t have to impress on the people around me with inebriated antics. Instead, I can be grateful for the life I have, the opportunity to learn from my mistakes, the joy of listening to group members that share their experience strength and hope and the privilege to contribute to my AA Group, my AA Intergroup and my AA Region. This is indeed a privilege. 


And now, I am reaching out to you. AA needs you! We need more volunteers in service. We have open service positions in CER for Secretary, Vice-Chair, Alternate-Treasurer, 3 Delegates to Conference and a Webmaster. Urgently! We offer an invigorating service structure where we meet regularly (from monthly to quarterly meetings) both online and in person. We offer the wonderful opportunity to meet new, interesting and inspiring members from all over Europe, each with their individual sobriety stories and experiences.


Never say no to a direct service question in AA! Please read here… …. what the service positions entail and nominate someone, yourself, or ask your group to nominate you. If you have any question, please get in touch with me!


Thanks, for everything!


Chair for the Continental European Region (CER)