Only you can decide and no one in AA will tell you if you are or not. Our experience can help you determine if you have a problem and if AA is for you.
Here are 12 questions we suggest everyone ask themselves…..
Use this link to send us an email with anything you wish to share and we’ll come back to in confidence.
Yes you can, we have ‘Open’ meetings which welcome those that do not identify as alcoholic and ‘Closed’ meetings for those that do.
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism
Membership is free, we are alcoholics who have found a way out of what seemed an impossible situation and we give our time freely to help others to find a way forward. We are not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organisation or institution. This initiative to which you have responded has been funded entirely from voluntary contributions from our members. Alcoholics who have found a way to regain control and are reaching out to help other Alcoholics.
Please use this opportunity to learn more and to reach out to us in confidentiality.