An invitation to our upcoming Regional Assembly – CER needs you!

Dear Fellowship,

I would like to draw your attention to our upcoming Regional Assembly meeting, for which you can find the details here. At this meeting, many intergroups and regional officers gather to share experience, strength and hope on the service activities that they have been engaged in, contributions come from across the continent of Europe. We’re also informed of activities, such as conventions, health liaison activities, PI workshops and campaigns. We will also conduct our group inventory/conscience at this Assembly.

Unfortunately we are currently without a Chair at CER and will be relying on our Vice-Chair, Raymond,  to step into the position of Chair to ensure the smooth running of the Assembly.

We need you more than your money!

From the pamphlet ‘Growing into Service’:

Alcoholics Anonymous is more than a set of principles; it is a Fellowship of alcoholics in action. Service is at the centre of every AA concept and activity. It is as fundamental to AA as abstinence is to sobriety. Without this giving of oneself to another, there would be no Fellowship. This desire to serve improves recovery.

Those of us who have done this will tell you of the enormous benefits we have received by willingly stepping into service.

A great paradox of AA is that rewards come when we begin to forget ourselves.

CER needs a Chair to continue to operate as an effective AA service arm. If you, or someone you know, are interested you can find a description of the role here.

Service opportunities are listed here and applications can be sent to our secretary here.

Thank you and I look forward to seeing many of you in September.

In Fellowship,

Alistair R (Treasurer)

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